Step 1: Prepare Information
Login IAM portal -> vCD portal: collect the information
{{vm-uuid}}: select VM -> take a look vm uuid on url
{{network_name}}: Select Networking -> Networks -> Copy the Network name
{{Bearer Token}}: Please follow the “API token login” document
Step 2: Get VM’s network information
GET https://{{vcd_url}}/api/vApp/{{vm-uuid}}/virtualHardwareSection/networkCards
Authorization: {{Bearer Token}}
- ‘Accept’: */*;version=37.2
- ‘Content-type’: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItem+xml
Copy Response Body
Step 3: Reconfig VM’s networks
PUT https//{{vcd_url}}/api/vApp/{{vm-uuid}}/virtualHardwareSection/networkCards
Authorization: {{Bearer Token }}
- 'Accept’: */*;version=37.2
- ‘Content-type’: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1
Body: {{select raw -> copy and paste response body from Get VM’s networks information }}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<RasdItemsList xmlns="" xmlns:vmext="" xmlns:ovf="" xmlns:vssd=""
<Link rel="edit" href="" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+json"/>
<rasd:AllocationUnits xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<rasd:AutomaticDeallocation xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<rasd:ConfigurationName xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<rasd:Connection xmlns:ns10="" ns10:ipAddressingMode="Manual" ns10:ipAddress="" ns10:primaryNetworkConnection="true"></rasd:Connection>
<rasd:ConsumerVisibility xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<rasd:VirtualQuantity xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<rasd:Weight xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
Find word :
ns10:ipAddressingMode and edit the value in “ ” (network mode: “DHCP”, “Pool”, “Manual”)
+ DHCP: Please setup DHCP pool on your network -> The P Management
+ Pool: Please setup Static IP pools on yoursetork -> IP Management
ns10:ipAddress and edit the value in “” (“VM ipv4 address”) – no need if using DHCP or Pool
ns10:primaryNetworkConnection and edit the value in “” (paste network name {{netwok_name}} )
Step 4: Verify
Get VM’s network information.
GET https://{{vcd_url}}/api/vApp/{{vm-uuid}}/virtualHardwareSection/networkCards
Login IAM -> vCD portal-> select VM-> NICs