05. Deploy demo app with persistence volume and publish app via ingress controller
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Step-by-step guide on how to deploy demo application on HI GIO Kubernetes
Install nginx ingress controller to your Kubernetes cluster. Installing the nginx ingress controller will auto-create 2 Virtual services (80, 443) in HI GIO LB.
Deploy demo app with persistence volume into the Kubernetes cluster and publish app via ingress nginx
1. Pre-requisites:
Helm (v3 or higher)
Make sure there is at least 1 available public IP
Have a default Storage Class
Permission for access to your Kubernetes cluster
2. Procedure:
Step 1: Install nginx ingress controller to your Kubernetes cluster
Verify pod status is Running
and service ingress-nginx-controller
successfully obtained an EXTERNAL IP
CNI driver on Kubernetes automatically creates Virtual services on HI GIO LB and 2 DNAT rules (80, 443) on vCD.
Please modify the VPC firewall to allow access to the ingress virtual services. This provides access to your application published via the nginx ingress
Step 2: Deploy demo app with persistence volume into the Kubernetes cluster and publish app via ingress nginx
Demo app folder structure
Create file 01-demoapp-namespace.yaml
to create demoapp namespace
Create file 02-demoapp-pvc.yaml
to create a Persistence Volume Claim
Create file 03-demoapp-deployment.yaml
to create the demoapp deployment
Create file 04-demoapp-service.yaml
to create demoapp service
Create file 05-demoapp-ingress.yaml
to create demoapp ingress
Apply all manifests
Create a DNS record for demoapp
If all the configuration is correct, you can access your app with the domain http://<ingress-host>