4. How to upgrade Kubernetes Cluster in HI GIO Portal
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This is a document for how to upgrade HI GIO Kubernetes Cluster.
Step for performing the upgrade:
The versions of software in this guide are as follows:
Upgrade Kubernetes Cluster.
Validate Kubernetes Cluster after the upgrade.
The versions of the software are as follows
Kubernetes Version: 1.23.17+vmware.1
TKG Product Version: 2.2.0
Service running on the cluster: Voting web app
Component running the service:
Step 1: From the vCD portal, choose More → Kubernetes Container Clusters
Step 2: Choose the cluster you want to upgrade to.
Step 3: Choose UPGRADE.
Step 4: Verify the current usage of Kubernetes and TKG Product versions are correct.
Step 5: Then choose the Available upgrade options → UPGRADE.
Step 6: Wait for the cluster to perform the upgrade completed.