Step 4: Reverse replication of the VM from HI GIO Cloud to On-Premises
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After the on-premises site has recovered from the issue and is available, we can migrate the workload (APP1, DB1) from the HI GIO cloud back to on-premises by reversing the replication.
Step 1: Log on to the HI GIO portal.
Step 2: Expand More > Click on Availability ()
Step 3: Click Incoming Replications > Check the checkbox for vAPP1 > Expand ALL ACTIONS > Click on Reverse.
You can also select individual VMs in this step.
Step 4: Confirm Reverse Replication from HI GIO Cloud to on-prem. Click REVERSE.
Step 5: Expectation result:
Reverse Replication is in progress. You can monitor the progress of the Reverse task in the Last changed section and replicate the state.
Reverse Replication is Completed. Here, APP1 & DB1 are replicated back to On-Prem, and the Recovery State is Reversed.